Sunday, 12 February 2017

Granada and Sierra Nevada

12 February 2017

We went to Granada and to ski in Sierra Nevada! It was great :) ..although, we did have slight problems with the car on the way there because of the “check engine” light suddenly going on. We had to stop and stayed at a gas station trying to locate the problem with the help of a mechanic on the phone. We never found the problem but because the mechanic convinced us that if the car seems normal and the engine sounds fine we could continue driving as long us nothing weird comes up. Finally, we arrived in Granada at around 1.30 AM and hadn’t had any dinner.. ..and I went straight to bed as the next morning, the kick off to the slopes in Sierra Nevada was at 7.45, which made the trip at least for me a bit of an adventure, having to compromise my basic needs. But in Sierra Nevada I finally got some food and skiing itself was really nice. We were worried that there wouldn’t be enough snow but it was allright. We skied for almost 6 hours and I think we never did a slope twice so that was more than enough for us.

Also, Granada itself is a cute city and very interesting with really exciting history with Arabs and religious game of thrones types of things. We went to see the Arab temple, Alhambra and I must say it is something everyone should see once in their life. Really detailed and colourful beautiful rooms, walls, ceilings and gardens. 

Now I’ve tested the public health care system here too because I got a sick after the trip and had to go see a doctor. It was much better than I expected; everything was smooth and I had no problems explaining my situation in Spain etc., only needed to show my European health insurance card, “the European Kela card” and everything was settled. I got to see a doctor almost right away and didn’t have to pay for anything. The doctor prescribed me some medicine and if I understand correctly, I also got a reduction of those. Although, I must say, my illness wasn’t cured with that medicine and they wanted to send me to a specialised doctor, which was a bit more tricky. They told me to give them my phone number and they would contact me to assign me an appointment. They told me to contact them again if I hadn’t heard anything from then in 15 days. Waiting 15 days was too much for me so I went to a private health center to see a specialist. That was expensive but efficient and convenient.

I think it may now be getting warmer here. But so far the nights have still been rather cold. That’s why I have been sick so often. At the moment I don’t know if I’m happy or terrified by the fact that spring is coming.

 P.S. Note to self: Next time you go skiing in Spain, wear more than two layers of 50 SPF sun screen :) (Yes, I burned my face :D)

With love,

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