Sunday, 22 January 2017

Stormy weather

22 January 2017

It’s been stormy weather here with lots of rain and wind. I hear this is an exceptional year in Alicante, and I assume in the whole of Europe in terms of weather. I don’t think it has rained this much in Alicante for years. And it shows that this city is not at all prepared for rain. The streets are flooded and what is ridiculous, the pedestrian parts of the streets get slippery when it rains so I guess when they planned it they thought, it would almost never rain.

Unlike in Finland, here the storm also affects the indoors. The nights here have lately been rather unpleasant because of the cold also coming into the apartment.. ..and it’s not only the cold but also the humidity, which makes sleeping really uncomfortable when your pyjama and even the duvet feel like they are soaking wet. With my roommates we now discovered that our heating system also has a function of removing humidity and we used it last night. Maybe it helped a bit.

Let’s see how our electricity bill we because I hear heating with electricity can be extremely costly here. Therefore, we still try and be quite economical with the heating. This of course  means wearing three pullovers on top each other at home but well, I’ve already gotten used to that and luckily brought some woollen shirts from Finland after Christmas. This is why it’s funny when people wonder how people survive in the cold Finland because here right now I’m in fact much more cold than in Finland, because in Finland, when it’s cold, we don’t stay outside for long times and have proper clothes for that and indoors it’s never cold.   

We had planned to go to Granada to ski at Sierra Nevada but now, also because of the weather and some roads being closed due to the flood, we had to cancel the trip at last minute. I’m a bit disappointed because I miss skiing, but let’s see if we can reschedule the trip for another weekend.

Now it seems the weather is getting better and besides, quite soon the winter should be practically over here and the spring should begin, I’m already excited!

Oh and by the way, before the storm began, last weekend we made a trip with 15 other trainees to Elche, a neighbouring city. Was great and I saw bananas growing in trees :)

At work everything continues as before, I’m working on interesting cases and get to write a lot, I’m still really happy with what I get to do and days at work go by fast. And now we had a New Year’s lunch with my team the other day. That was really nice, with a four course meal and chatting with my colleagues. Especially I liked the fact that I got a chance to know my colleagues a bit better because during normal working days everyone is busy and my office with three other trainees is in a different place from the colleagues in my team so during the days I mostly socialize only with the other trainees.

I now got a new roommate. A girl from France, super nice! And besides she’s eager to practice Spanish so we only talk Spanish, which makes me so happy. I went to the movies with her last night and she wanted to see the film in Spanish. I didn’t agree at first but we discovered this film was not even offered in English so finally we didn’t have a choice. I was hesitant but finally understood much more than I thought I would and in fact enjoyed the movie, yes!

And tomorrow I begin another Spanish course, it’s great because I really need new vocabulary. Of course even if I manage to make myself understood, I always use the same verbs and try and make Spanish words from English or French equivalents, which is not always successful :D

Another dear hobby of mine here is running, as most of you already know. A few of my colleagues have now been eager to start running with me and running is convenient because nowadays I practically have company for almost every run.

Today the last of my roommates, an Estonian girl, should arrive and finally all of the bedrooms of the flat will be occupied. It’s nice to get to meet another new person but I’m also a bit nervous if living with three other girls will require me to make much more compromises than I have had to make until now, let’s see. (and let’s hope she speaks Spanish ;) )

With love,


Sunday, 8 January 2017

Christmas time and Epiphany

8 January 2017

It’s 2017!

Christmas is over and I’m back in Alicante and back at work. I went to Finland for Christmas, which was really relaxing and nice. But going back home for a week of course made me miss everything and everyone again much more than I had before going. Now it’s been a week back in Spain and it’s getting better again and I’m getting used to being here again.. ..especially as the weather is amazing at the moment, every day totally sunny and more than 15 degrees, even 19 some days and I think I got some freckles. Feels like spring!

But coming back to Alicante still felt a bit strange, it’s funny how being away for only 10 days made me feel like I was coming to some entirely new city again. In Finland Christmas was basically over by new year’s day but in Spain it looked like people were still waiting for Christmas to arrive. It’s probably because here it is in fact Epiphany, the 6thof January, that is the Christmas in the sense of gift giving and festivities. Therefore, on the first week of the new year, people were still busy shopping gifts and making preparations for Christmas. The decorations were still everywhere and Christmas carols were playing. That felt a bit corny as for me Christmas was basically already over. But well, in a way it was nice to experience the Spanish Christmas too at least to some extent.

Some Epiphany themed chocolates :)
On the 6th or actually on the 5th in the evening, we went to see the parade of Epiphany. It is all about celebrating the “three kings”, the three wise men of magi who arrive to the town to give gifts to the children in similar manner as Santa Claus does in Finland. The parade was a fun experience. It was a lot of dancers, silly Disney and other characters and carriages with people and kitschy things and ultimately of course, also the three wise men. I hear our office is somehow also included in the parade every year. I suppose the office is quite an important factor of the economy of Alicante because one of our bosses gets to be one of the “kings” every year. This year the executive director of the entire office was playing one of them and apparently, that’s a great honour. There was also another carriage with only the office employees so it was really fun for us to watch and see familiar faces among the people on the carriages. They were throwing sweets and toys to children and it seemed like adults were children again trying to catch anything thrown from the carriages. That was very interesting and reminded me of the Finnish graduation “parade” of penkkarit.

Last week at the office was at first a bit sad as almost everyone was still on vacations. Also I think about 80 percent of the trainees were still on holidays. But finally, I got a bit used to the office being wonderfully quiet and calm with no ques to the cafeteria and no constant noise on the corridors. In any case, I’m happy the others will be back next week because then also all the trainees will be around and organising things to do together and things will get back to normal J

Next week we are also supposed to get a new roommate from Estonia! That’s exciting and I’m happy to have more people around to never feel lonely at our place and to get new international friends. Then the week after also the fourth girl, a French one, will arrive, let’s hope both of these girls are nice (and also that they speak Spanish so I can practice with them tooJ)  !

Happy New Year everyone and let’s stay in touch!

With love,